Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Reply from Perry Mayer City Pub Life

Tried to leave my twopenneth but it wouldn’t let me. Don’t know whether you want to add it.


Excellent article. It's taken me eight years to encourage licensees to a) get a website and b) keep their websites up to date. Our new challenge is to get them to join twitter without really knowing whether it works or not.

Us twitterers are pioneers my friend. You have already discovered that many followers in the Colorado Rockies and beyond are unlikely to pop in for a pint of Bombadier on Sunday afternoons so your tweets are wasted and the amount of followers are in danger of becoming an ego trip.

What we need are tools to purge them from our database in addition to finding those twitterers who are a) local or b) likely to add value.

I wonder how many posts these "Twits" - who claim to be following 30,000 other twits" - actually read.

I'm new to twitter and still learning but here is my strategy for what it's worth. (I'm twittering as a business not from a personal perspective). I am only interested in people who want pub and bar information, I don't care what they had for breakfast as I'm sure they don't care what I had either.

1. I have been using a number of tools to help me. tweetdeck. tweetspinner and buzzom to name just three.

2. I follow those that match my keywords and, from today, those that match my target location. example (pubs UK)

3. I unfollow those that do not follow me. I simply don't have time to go through their posts or profiles.

4. My "following" list is manageable and I can read the posts that interest me and will manually delete those that continually irritate or annoy.

Over time, maybe a year or more, I will keep my followers enthralled with up to date, interesting information and the bulk of those will, hopefully, be those who want to carry on receiving pub information and will RT to their followers. Those I am following have the same challenge, enthrall me, keep me interested or I click the unfollow button.

Thank for the post and good luck with your tweetmeet on Friday.


Perry Mayer
Managing Director
0871 288 2458
07951 776 435
Skype id: citypublife
Skype phone: 0121 288 5486

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